March 29, 2010

Serious Situations (Yes that's plural.)

Since our last post (Surprise Birthday!) there has been a lot that has transpired. Early Thursday morning we received a call from our family in California letting us know that Kari's sister, Kalene, had just fell into a diabetic coma only days after giving birth to her son. We also were informed that Kari's dad, Larry, was rushed to the same hospital due to shortness of breath and a feeling of tightness in his chest.
By 11:00 am we were told that Larry had experienced cardiac arrest and that it was not likely that he would make it through the day. In fact, Larry had actually "flat-lined" and required CPR to be revived. Meanwhile, Kalene was still in very critical condition.
Realizing the seriousness of the situation, we traveled overnight to California. Upon arriving, we learned that Kalene was slowly recovering and that Larry was on a ventilator to assist him with his breathing. Not long after, it was relayed to us that the doctors were soon going to remove the ventilator tube and that they needed to know whether it was Larry's wish to be revived if he was unable to breath on his own.
Thankfully, Larry was able to breath without the help from the ventilator and within the next couple of hours his condition improved dramatically. In fact, when the doctor came in to provide an updated of Larry's progress he stated that the only explanation for the turn of events was "prayer".
Throughout this whole situation it has been amazing to see the hand of God at work. You see, if Kari's dad had not needed medical attention, Kari's mom (Linda) would not have been at the hospital Thursday morning. After Linda admitted Larry into the hospital (prior to his going into cardiac arrest) she went to the maternity ward to check to see how Kalene was doing. It was Linda, and not the medical staff, who discovered that Kalene was very ill. She immediately informed the nurses who then responded to save Kalene's life!
As things currently sit, Larry is recovering and it looks like he will soon be released from the hospital. His heart is weak and he still needs prayer, but he is improving. Also, Kalene is now at home and her blood sugar levels are stabilizing. She still is making daily visits to the hospital to see and feed her son in the NICU. As was stated in a previous post, the baby was born 5-weeks premature. By the way, the little guy will from here on be known as, Landon McDaniels!
We thank you for your prayers.
In His grace,
The Runges

1 comment:

Anna said...

Hi Runges! I'm praising the Lord for His sovereign hand and His protection of your dad and Kalene...and what a beautiful babe! Thanks for the update..hugs to you all.

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